Purpose This report enables you to check the Customizing settings that you madefor Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation> for consistency.Integration The Customizing settings are integrated with settings in the followingcomponents:
- Payroll>:
In Payroll> Customizing you set up wage types and symbolicaccounts. Note that you can also set up wage types in PersonnelAdministration> Customizing. In Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation> Customizing, you alsoset up additional symbolic accounts that you only require for personnelcost planning.
- Accounting> / Controlling>:
In Controlling> Customizing, you create G/L accounts and costelements. You also assign cost items to cost elements via the symbolicaccounts.Selection In the Selection> group box you specify the data that you wantthe SAP system to select for checking. The following fields areavailable:
- Key Date>
The system valuates date-dependent settings on the key date you enter.
- Company Code>
For the company code you enter, the system valuates data that isrelevant to integration with Accounting>.
- Country Grouping>
For the country grouping you enter, the SAP system valuates data thatis country grouping-dependent (for example wage type).
- Valuate Additional Modification>
If you set this indicator, the SAP System includes the additionalmodification when determining accounts in Accounting>. In the Output Format> group box, you specify the form in whichthe SAP system should format and display the valuation. You have thefollowing options:
- Total Error Log>
If you set this indicator, the SAP system outputs a message list forall check areas. The results list is subdivided into the individualcheck areas.
- Individual List>
If you set this indicator, the SAP system displays the group boxCheck Area Selection or Individual List>. You can select thecheck area for which you want to check the Customizing settings. Basedon your entries, the SAP system creates a message list for the selectedcheck area.Output If you set the Total Error Log> indicator, the SAP system liststhe messages for each check area, classified according to importance. If you set the Individual List> indicator and have selected acheck area, the SAP system prepares an overview of the Customizingsettings and the messages for the checked data from that check area.Activities Check the error list. SAP classifies the importance of the individual messages as follows:
- Error
Entries classified as an error cause the application to react wrongly.You should correct these errors.
- Warning
Entries classified as a warning can cause the system to behave in anundesired way. For these messages you should check your Customizingsettings in order to guarantee that the system behaves in the way youwant.
- Information
Entries classified as information indicate that the Customizingsettings are fine. Information messages usually suggest possibleadditional settings.