Description This report delimits infotypes by changing the end date to thespecified delimitation date. If the 'Historical record' parameter isset, historical record flags are appended to the records, whichprevents them from being changed using transactions PP01 and PP02. Allrecords whose validity interval starts after the delimitation date aredeleted. BEGIN OF UPDATE Parameter: DISPLAY Display delimited records (X = yes). Definition Delimited infotypes are listed. Parameter: G_DAT Delimitation date. Definition This field enables you to enter the new end date of the infotypes to bedelimited. The delimitation date must be greater than or the same asthe start date of the infotypes to be delimited. The default value isthe system date. Parameter: HISTO Historical record. Definition Enter 'X' in this checkbox to specify that historical record flags mustbe appended to records to be delimited. Records with a historicalrecord flag cannot be modified. Parameter: TEST Test (X = yes). Definition You can also run the report in test mode. |