SAP Program RHFIXK00 - Firmly Book / Cancel / Lock / Unlock Business Event

You can use report RHFIXK00 to

  • Firmly book, cancel, lock, or unlock a business event in status 2
  • (planned).
    • Cancel, lock, or unlock a business event in status 1 (firmly booked).
    • Description of the function "Firmly book":
      When you firmly book an event, the report determines theattendee list for the event and changes all status 2 infotype recordsincluding all relationship records to status 1. Attendees that do notget a place on the event can be rebooked for other suitable events. Ifno rebooking is possible, unplaced attendees are prebooked for theevent type if the SEMIN FIXRV switch is set at 1. Otherwise, unplacedattendees remain on the waiting list of the event to be booked at alater date for an event of the same type. You can display attendeesstill to be rebooked with report RHUMBU00.

      Description of the function "Cancel":
      When you cancel an event, a delete flag is appended to the eventand the event and all its relationships are activated (as with firmlybooking). If the event was already firmly booked and is later canceled,no activation takes place. Bookings already received for the event canbe rebooked or prebooked for the event type (if the SEMIN FIXRV switchis set at 1). Otherwise they remain on the waiting list of the canceledevent.
      Note on canceling and firmly booking
      Canceling an event is irrevocable; it cannot be undone. If youare not sure whether the event should really be canceled, you shouldtemporarily lock it instead.
      When you firmly book or cancel an event, notification can beautomatically output to the attendees concerned (booking confirmations,notification of cancellation etc.) if your system is configuredaccordingly in Customizing under SpecifyUser-Specific Output Control .

      Description of the function "Lock":
      When you lock an event, a lock flag is appended to the eventwhich temporarily prevents bookings being made for it. Locking isdifferent from canceling in that a locked event can be unlockedagain. In addition, no other change is made to the event or to theattendee list.
      Note on locking
      The lock function is useful if you are not sure that an eventwill definitely be canceled but you want to lock the attendee listuntil the decision has been made. The function is also useful if thereare multiple events of the same type and the organizer wants to lockone until the attendee list of another is booked to capacity.

      Description of the function "Unlock":
      When you unlock an event, the lock flag is removed from theevent. Bookings can be made once again for the event.

      Possible options on the selection screen

      Parameter 'business event'
      Here, you enter the ID of the event you want to edit (firmly book,cancel, lock, or unlock).
      You can enter a search string to determine the event ID.

      Parameter 'Search string'
      You can enter a search string (using wildcards) to determine the eventID.

      Parameters Firmly book (max.cap.), (opt.cap.), cancel, lock, unlock:
      Here, you select the function you want to execute with the report.

      Parameter 'start date for rebookings'
      The report looks for possible rebookings from the date you specify.

      Complete the parameters and choose Execute.

      You can find more information on these functions under Application Helpfor Training and Event Management.