SAP Program RHECM_PRINT_CRS - Print Compensation Review Statement

Execute this report to generate an overview of the compensation grantedto a group of employees. Typically, the Compensation ReviewStatement (CRS) is sent by the personnel department after the annualmerit review. Contrary to the Total Compensation Statement (TCS),however, you cannot define the pay categories to be displayed, neithercan you determine the order in which you want them to be displayed.Instead, the compensation information is directly read from infotypeCompensation Process (0759).

You must have:

  • Maintained the infotypes mentioned below for the selected employees,
  • otherwise no overview is generated. If the master data is incomplete orcontains errors, an error log is generated.
    Organizational Assignment (0001), Personal Data (
    0002), Addresses (0006), Planned Working Time
    (0007) and Basic Pay (0008) for the headerinformation.
    Compensation Process (0759).
    • Activated the relevant salary review by means of report
    • Change Compensation Process Status.

      If required, you can implement your own customer-specific method forextracting data by means of the relevant BAdI. To do so, perform theactivity Business Add-In: Get Data for Compensation Review Statement
      under the section Compensation Statements of theImplementation Guide for Enterprise Compensation Management.

      Per default, the SmartForm HR_ECM_CRS is used to create the CompensationReview Statement in PDF format. If you want to use a customer-specificform instead, do the following:
      Choose Subobjects > Variants on the selection screen to create avariant.
      Enter a name and choose Create.
      Choose Attributes and maintain the data.
      Choose Environment > Maint. sel. variables.
      Create a parameter and assign it a value that corresponds to the formname, for example SAP_HCM_ECM_CRS and HR_ECM_CRS_US, respectively.
      Save your changes.

      In addition to the standard time-dependent and organizational criteria,you can specify a range of compensation areas, plans, categories andreviews to be evaluated, as well as the date on which you want toevaluate the records of infotype Compensation Process (0759

      For each review, the report generates a ready-to-send overview of thecompensation components to be paid out:

      • Salary adjustment

      • The following information is displayed: compensation plan, effectivedate, current salary, increase percentage and amount, time unit.
        • Regular bonus

        • The following information is displayed: compensation plan, effectivedate, amount and time unit.
          • Off-cycle bonus

          • The following information is displayed: compensation plan, effectivedate, amount and time unit.
            • LTI grant

            • The following information is displayed: compensation plan, effectivedate, number of granted awards and stock unit.
              At the bottom of the section, the new salary and the effective date aredisplayed.