Purpose Execute this report to extract the grant data stored on infotype LTIGrant> (0761>) and send it to the bank or broker for exercisingpurposes. The report extracts the relevant data on the specified date andgenerates an IDoc file (IDoc is the standard interface for linkingapplication systems via messaging.) and sends it to the SAP BusinessConnector (BC) Server. The SAP Business Connector first converts the file to XML, then maps itto HR-XML on the basis of a set of rules so that it reflects thestandards of the HR-XML Consortium. Once converted, the document isexchanged via the Internet. Note> This report is meant for mass processing. It is therefore recommendedthat you execute it in background via Program > Execute > Background >.Integration This report is run in parallel with reportExport LTI Participant Information>.To import the exercise data, report ImportLTI Exercising Data> is used.Prerequisites You must have:
- Implemented and configured the SAP Business Connector Server