SAP Program RHECM_CONVERT_STOCK_UNIT - Convert Infotype 0761 after Stock Split

Execute this report to perform stock splits and reflect pre-split andpost-split situations within your organization.
Depending on the validity period of the records, the LTI data stored oninfotype LTI Grant (0761) is:

  • Either converted if the validity start date of the records is equal to
  • or later than the split date.
    • Or delimited on the split date if the validity start date of the records
    • is earlier than the split date. In this case, new records are createdcontaining the updated numbers of granted, additionally vested andforfeited awards, as well as the new exercise price and stock unit (Astock unit determines whether a stock is pre or post-split.).
      Since stock splits also affect the Compensation Administrationand Budgeting components, you must:
      • Convert the corresponding budgets by means of report
      • Convert Budget Stock Unit.
        • Update your guidelines settings accordingly by performing the IMG
        • activity Define Guidelines.
          This report is meant for mass processing. It is therefore recommendedthat either the HR administrator or the compensation specialist -depending on the size of the company - execute it in background viaProgram > Execute > Background.

          You must have:

          • Been through the Implementation Guide for Enterprise Compensation
          • Management, especially the following activities:
            Define Stock Units
            Define Stock Unit Conversion Rules
            Assign Time-Dependent LTI Attributes
            • Maintained infotype LTI Grant (0761).
            • Selection
              In addition to the standard time-dependent and organizational criteria,you must specify the LTI plan to be processed, as well as the date onwhich you want to perform the stock split. It is also stronglyrecommended that you perform a test run to detect and correct possibleerrors before updating the database.

              The report generates an overview of the changes made to infotype0761, sorted by personnel number:

              • Number of awards prior to the stock split,

              • Number of awards after the stock split.