SAP Program RHECM_BUDGET_INIT - Compensation to Personnel Cost Planning interface: Upload PCP values

This program allows you to import the values that are in the PersonnelCost Planning (PCP) module into your budget structure.

This report returns data from the Personnel Cost Planning application,which you can then use for budget planning in Enterprise CompensationManagement.


  • The values that you want to adopt are available in the Personnel Cost
  • Planning application
    • The budget for which you want to adopt the values has the status
    • Planned
      • You have considered exactly which values you want the system to adopt as
      • budget values
        For example:
        You have planned your personnel costs for certain organizational unitsfor the coming year in Personnel Cost Planning.
        You are using the following cost items:
        SALARY - represents the basic salary
        BONUS - represents the bonus
        For your bonus budgets for the relevant budget units in Budgeting inEnterprise Compensation Management, you want to adopt the values for theBONUS cost item.
        In that case, in the budget determination parameters, you enter the costitem BONUS.

        We recommend that you first run the report in test mode, by selectingthe Test Run field. In that case, the system only determines therequired budget values, without permanently overwriting the budgetunits.

        The system outputs a list of the relevant budget units, with thecorresponding budget values that it found.

        Enter the desired Budget type, Budget period and Plan version.
        For the initial run, select the Test run option.
        Execute the report.