ASK HÜROL: "laufender Betrieb"

If a stock split is performed in your enterprise, this report enablesyou to depict the split in your system.


  • If integration with Treasury is active in your system, you
  • should perform the stock split in the system on the exact day of theactual stock split, before the start of trading. If this is notpossible for any reason, you must not create or change any award databetween the date of the stock split in the system and the actual stocksplit.
    • Only execute the report when the system is not processing.
    • Prerequisites
      Before you can perform the stock split, you must prepare for it byperforming the Prepare Stock Splits step inthe Implementation Guide (IMG) for Compensation Management.

      The report changes the number and price of awards in the systemaccording to the split ratio in the following tables:
      Table PA0382 (HR Master Record Infotype 0382 (Award))

      • The report divides the values in the number fields (for example
      • Number of Awards Granted (SHARS)) in table PA0382 by the splitratio. Rather than delimiting the records of the Award infotype(0382), the report converts them completely.
        In a record of the Award infotype (0382), the number of awardsgranted before the split is 1000. The split ratio is 1:3. After thesplit the number of awards granted is 3000.
        • If the individual price fields, for example Actual Exercise Price

        • (GPRIC) contain values, the report uses them to calculate the totalprices, for example Total Exercise Price of Granting (TGPRIC),and deletes the values in the individual price fields.
          The individual price fields are only filled in infotype records thatwere created in release 4.6C or earlier.
          • In the granting and exercising transaction the system calculates the
          • displayed values for the individual price fields from the total prices.For that reason it is possible that after a split the system displaysprices with more decimal places than are usually displayed for thecurrency.
            An employee receives a granting of 1000 awards with an exercise priceof 100 EUR per award. The system saves the total price of 100000 EUR.If you perform a stock split with the ratio 1:3, this total price doesnot change. However, in the granting and exercising transaction thesystem displays an exercise price per award of 33.333333 EUR (= 100000EUR / 3000)
            Table T71LB3 (Price Information for Awards
            The report multiplies the value in the Planned Exercise Pricefield (APRIC) in table T71LB3 by the split ratio and delimits the tableentries on the split date.
            The planned exercise price of an award is 600 EUR. The split ratio is1:3. After the split the planned exercise price of the stock options is200 EUR.
            Table T71LB1 (Award)
            In some stock splits not all awards belonging to a long-term incentiveplan are split at the same time. This could be the case if the awardsare based on different securities. For that reason the report does notconvert the number of approved awards or the total number of awardsgranted for each long-term incentive plan. Instead, it storesinformation on how many awards correspond to one unit (that is, oneshare) of the long-term incentive plan. This information is stored intable T71LB1, in the Dividend andDivisor fields.


            • You are advised to first run the report in test mode, by selecting the
            • Test Run field. In that case the report only outputs lists ofchanged data, without actually making the changes in the database.
              • If you have prepared the stock split, the corresponding selection
              • fields are already filled.

                For each table the report outputs a list with the changed data.