SAP Program RHCMPCREATE_ADJUSTMENTS - Creating Compensation Adjustments

Creating Compensation Adjustments

With this report you can centrally create compensation adjustments formany employees in one go. You support the line managers in theindividual areas in your enterprise by automatically providing thecompensation adjustments that they might create during a salary review,according to the valid guidelines.
The line managers can then edit the compensation adjustments accordingto their requirements before they submit them for approval.

You are using Compensation Administration and have set upguidelines for the appropriate adjustment types.
For further information on setting up guidelines, see theImplementation Guid (IMG) for Compensation Management in theGuidelines section.


  • For the selected employees, the report creates a record in the
  • Compensation Adjustment infotype (0380) with the statusplanned.
    The compensation adjustments are based on a particular adjustmentreason and a particular adjustment type for a particular planningperiod.
    If a record with the adjustment reason, adjustment type, and planningperiod already exists for an employee in the CompensationManagement infotype (0380), the system does not create acompensation adjustment for that employee.
    • The system calculates the adjustment amount based on the guideline that
    • is valid for the employees.
      • If a corresponding budget exists, the system deducts the amount from
      • the budget.
        • You can:

        • Start the report in test mode and correct any errors if necessary.
          Output a log
          Round off the compensation adjustment amounts

          If you are using the Processor View field, choose eitherCompensation Manager or a customer-specific selection ID.
          For further information on setting up customer-specific selection IDs,see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for the Human ResourcesInformation System in the Selection IDssection and the corresponding steps DefineSelection IDs
          and Define Groupings.

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