Purpose With this report you can transfer values from other applications toBudgeting> and use them for your budget planning.Integration This report returns data from other applications, for example fromPersonnel Cost Planning>, which you can then use for budgetplanning in Budgeting> in Compensation Management> orTraining and Event Management>.Prerequisites Before you can adopt the values in Budgeting>, the followingprerequisites must be fulfilled:
- The values that you want to adopt are available in the application in
question. &EXAMPLE&> You want to adopt values from Personnel Cost Planning>. In thatcase you must already have performed personnel cost planning for theperiod and organizational units whose data you want to use.
- The budget for which you want to adopt the values has the status
- You have considered exactly which values you want the system to adopt
as budget values. &EXAMPLE&> You have planned your personnel costs for certain organizational unitsfor the coming year in Personnel Cost Planning>. You are using the following cost items: SALARY - represents the basic salary BONUS - represents the bonus For your bonus budgets for the relevant budget units in Budgeting > in Compensation Management>, you want to adopt the values forthe BONUS cost item. In that case, in the budget determination parameters, you enter thecost item BONUS.Features - Selection - We recommend that you first run the report in test mode, by selectingthe Test Run> field. In that case, the system only determines therequired budget values, without permanently overwriting the budgetunitsOutput The system outputs a list of the relevant budget units, with thecorresponding budget values that it found.