SAP Program RHCHECK1 - Check Database Consistency

Check Database Consistency

The report checks data record consistency in the file HRPnnnn.

The report performs the following checks:

  • Do all of an object's infotypes lie within the validity period of
  • infotype 1000?
    • Do all the objects exist that are referenced by relationships?

    • Does a correct inverse relationship exist for every relationship?
    • Output
      The system recognizes and outputs the following errors:

      • Validity/Status

      • Status and validity are outside object status.
        (Status and validity affected)
        • Data record status outside object status

        • The report checks whether the status matches the object status.
          (Only status affected)
          • Data record validity outside object validity

          • The report checks whether the validity matches the object validity.
            (Only validity affected)
            • Relationship consistency

            • The report checks for inconsistencies in relationships.
              The system recognizes and outputs the following errors:
              Table Pointer not in HRTnnnn
              Table Pointer not in HRITABNR
              Additional Data Pointer not in HRPADnn
              Additional Data Pointer not in HRIADATANR
              In addition, each error message can have the supplement "relatedobject". This indicates a passive relationship type and refers to theSpecification of the Relationship.
              Using the report RHCHECKV you may be able to correctthe relationships. For this to be possible, the objects that are
              related to each other must be of the same type.