&TITLE&>> Checking and Comparing T77UU (User data in SAP memory) Purpose Table T77UU serves to enhance performance. Structural authorizationobjects for the users in the table are stored in the SAP memory, thisspeeds up authorization checks. It only makes sense to enter users whohave authoriztion for a large number of objects in this table. With this report, users are entered in table T77UU according to athreshold value, if they have authorization for too few objects, theyare deleted from the table. The report enables you to carry out the Customizing activity Save User Date in >>SAP Memory >>.Features Selection Parameter: User>> Enter the name of the user to be checked and entered in or deleted fromtable T77UU. If you want to process all users, do not set any restrictios for thisparameter. User names are selected from table T77UA (Structural Authorization of aUser). Parameter: Threshold Value> Enter the number of objects a user is to be given authorization for intable T77UU. Users, who have authority for more objects than the threshold value areentered in table T77UU. Users who have authorization for less than thethreshold number of objects are deleted from the table. Default: 1000 Parameter: Delete> If this parameter is active, users who are authorized for less than thethreshold number of objects are deleted from table T77UU. Parameter: Enter> If this parameter is active, users who have authorization for more thanthe threshold number of objects are entered in table T77UU. Parameter: Test> A test run is carried out. A message is displayed that shows whichusers will be processed if the report is executed. Default: ActiveOutput A list of users that have been entered in or deleted from T77UUappears. For each user, there is a line and the number of objects forwhich they have authorization. By double clicking on the line, youacces a list of the objects. Example Enter the following parameter values: User: Space (no restriction) Threshold value: 1000 Delete: Active Enter: Active Test: Not active In this case, all users that have authorization for more than 1000objects are entered in table T77UU. All users that have authorizationfor less than 1000 objects and are already entered in table TT77UU aredeleted from the table. |