SAP Program RHBAUS00 - Regeneration of INDX for Structural Authorization

This report regenerates indexes for structural authorization profiles.This report can only be executed for users who are entered as users intable T77UU (user data in SAP memory). This entry is made in theCustomizing activity Save User Data in SAP Memory. Indexes forquick access to organizational structures are only available for theseusers.
The index for the structural authorization profile of the user isgenerally regenerated during the night in a batch job. Using thisreport, you can regenrate the index immediately and in doing so, recordchanges to the organizational structure that have been made since thelast automatic regeneration.

See also the report Checking and comparing T77UU (userdata in SAP memory).

The user is stored in the Customizing activity User data in SAPmemory and entered in table T77UU.



Parameter: User name
In the User name field, enter the name of the user for whom theindex is to be generated.

An index for structural authorization is regenerated for the selecteduser. Once you have executed this report, a message appears containingthe following information:
A list of users for whom an index has been regenerated.
The number of objects in the index for a user.
By clicking a line, you access a list of the objects in the index.

In the User name field, enter the name of the user, for whom youwish to generate an index.
Choose Execute.
Check that the index has been regenerated for all the users selected.
Possible causes of errors:
The user you selected is not entered in table T77UU.
The user you selected has not been assigned a profile.

836478HR authorizations: Displaying the data in the INDX