SAP Program RG_SAC_CENTRAL - FI-SL: Half-Year-End Closing - Centralization

You use this report to transfer per business place the balances of aretained earnings account in the special ledger to a clearing account,and from there to a central business place. In this process, the programdetermines the balances of a retained earnings account, per businessplace from the totals table in the special ledger. It then posts thesewith their original business places to a clearing account. The programalso makes a second posting, which clears the balance with itsaccounting information from the clearing account, and posts this back tothe retained earnings account. This process is referred to ascentralization.
In the banking sector, you use this report as part of your half-yearlyreporting process, for example, when you use business places to mapbranches. This report is used in this context after the retainedearnings have been posted by report RG_SAC_CALCPL.

You can use the report only if the following requirement is met:
The special ledger for which you want to post retained earnings mustcontain the original general ledger postings.
Make sure that you have not defined any automatic substitutions for theretained earnings account and the clearing account.

When you start the report, it processes the data in the following steps:
The balance of the retained earnings account is determined per profitcenter and business place from the totals table of the special ledger.The balances are selected on the basis of the business place range,profit center range and periods specified on the selection screen.
The following FI documents are then posted:
Posting from the retained earnings account to the clearing account withthe original business place.
A posting is generated that transfers the balance to the clearingaccount.
Posting from the clearing account to the retained earnings account withone central business place
A posting is generated that transfers the balance and the accountinginformation from the clearing account to the retained earnings account.This posting posts the values to one central business place. The centralbusiness place is determined from the central profit center of theparameter. You need to make an entry in the table relate profit centersto branch (view V_CEPC_FS).
The report determines the balances in the local currency, and then makesthe postings in the local currency.
The selection screen contains the following parameters that can be usedto control how the postings are generated:

  • Parameters for the postings

  • Here you specify the posting date for the postings that are to begenerated, plus the relevant parameters retained earnings account,clearing account, and central profit center that will determine thecentral business place.
    • Processing options

    • You can start the report as a test run. In the test run, the balancesare determined for the selection criteria you entered, but no postingsare made.
      • Additional posting parameters

      • Here you can specify the parameters document type and posting key forthe postings.

        The output list provides you with an overview of the items that wereselected for the generation of the balances, plus the resultingbalances. If you ran the report as an update run (instead of a testrun), the output list also contains the document numbers of the postingsthat were generated.

        After report RG_SAC_CALCPL has been run, business place BP01 has acredit balance of R$100 on the retained earnings account.
        The retained earnings account is 900000, the clearing account is 900100,and the central business place is BP-CORP.
        When the program is started as an update run, it generates the followingposting:
        GL account,,Business place,,Credit/debit,,Amount in local currency

1382528FI general ledger: Performance of FI data selectn processes