Purpose You use this report to carry out Business Place migration for a specialpurpose ledger. The balance of a Business Place is determined in thetotals table of the special purpose ledger. This balance is carriedforwarded via a migration account, and the corresponding items creditedin the totals table. Then the migration account is credited for a targetBusiness Place, and the items are debited under the new target BusinessPlace. You need this report, for example, in banking, if you use the BusinessPlace to reflect branches. Prerequisites In order to be able to run the report, the following prerequisites mustbe fulfilled:
- The special purpose ledger for which you are carrying out the business
place clearing must contain the original postings of the general ledger.
- In General Ledger Accounting you have created a balance sheet account to
which you post the balance of the source business place. You use thisclearing account exclusively for the business place clearing. Note:> Make sure that you have not> defined any automaticsubstitutions for the migration account.Features The report runs through the following steps and makes the followingpostings: The report determines the source Business Place. This is calculated byadding the debit and credit postings from the periods, G/L accounts, andadditional fields you have entered as selection criteria. In the first posting, the individual G/L accounts per profit center forthe source Business Place are credited, and the balance of the sourceBusiness Place is posted to the migration account. This makes thebalance of the source Business Place zero for the specified periods. In a second posting, the migration account is cleared with the targetBusiness Place again and the G/L accounts are debited with the originalamount, with the target Business Place specified. Thus a debit postingfor the source Business Place becomes a credit posting for the target.Business Place, and vice versa. The report determines the balances in local currency and carries out thepostings in local currency. You have the following options when you run the report:
- The cost center required in the parameter will be used when a profit and
loss account will be handled. Remember that in case of not assigning aProfit Center to the cost center the standard behavior will be dete rmining dummy. Besides, when you will perform the semi annual closeremember that this profit center should be assigned to the targetBusiness Place (in the view V_CEPC_FS), otherwise it will not beselected.