Description Program RGUGLS10 prints line item information. You can call up theprogram both directly and via the report/report interface. The program is written for the line item database GLS1 of the data basetable GLT1, and can only be used for this table. In order to write asimilar program for a user-defined data base, you can use programRGUGLS10 as a reference. You would then need to make the followingmodifications: Replace line item database GLS1 with the new database. Add the relevant fields that you have included in your data base tableto the SELECT-OPTIONS statement. Example: If you have included thefield 'PRODNR' product number, add the statement SELECT-OPTIONS PRODUCT FOR ZZGLSI-PRODNR. Here, we are assuming that your new line item database is calledZZGLSI. Add statements for each new table field based on the following example: CALL FUNCTION 'G_REPORT_FIND_DIMENSION' EXPORTING DIM_FIELD = 'PRODNR ' IMPORTING SUBRC = SUBRC DIM_DATA = DIM_DATA. IF SUBRC = 0 AND DIM_DATA-VAL_MIN <> HEX00 AND DIM_DATA-VAL_MAX <> HEXFF. PRODUCT-SIGN = 'I'. PRODUCT-OPTION = 'BT'. PRODUCT-LOW = DIM_DATA-VAL_MIN. PRODUCT-HIGH = DIM_DATA-VAL_MAX. APPEND PRODUCT. ENDIF. Add the new fields to the SELECT statement. Modify or complete the relevant WRITE statements. |