SAP Program RGUCBIW_CONVERT - Conversion of Table Entries from T800AIS, T881IS, & ROOSOURCE

The report executes the complete conversion of the tables
T800AIS after T800AIS_PI
T881IS after T881IS_PI
and optionally:
The conversion is a prerequisite for the enhancement of maintenancetransactions for extraction structures and DataSources for FI-SL /EC-PCA line items.
When executing, all entries in the tables T800AIS_PI and T881IS_PI thatstill have no enhancement for line item extraction structures orDataSources are then deleted across all clients. This can subsequentlybe reconstructed from the tables T800AIS or T881IS.
In table ROOSOURCE, you can select the option "Convert Table ROOSOURCE"to convert all entries with the registered callback functionG_BIW_GET_TRANSACTION_DATA to the new function moduleG_BIW_GET_TT_DATA.

The tables T800AIS_PI and T881IS_PI receive all the entries from thetables T800AIS and T881IS. Previously existing entries that refer to aline item extraction remain there.
If the execution is successful, statistics about the executed tablechanges will be issued.