SAP Program RGSALEBP - ALE: Send business process groups

This program allows you to send a complete cost center hierarchy or thestandard hierarchy per ALE. To do this, enter the following parameters:

  • The name of the highest node on the hierarchy

  • The controlling area of the hierarchy

  • The logical system in which the hierarchy should be sent with ALE. If
  • this parameter is empty, the hierarchy is sent to all systems definedin the distribution model.
    The program checks if ALE is active, and then transfers all nodes thatare to be sent to the ALE level as IDOC's from the message type'COGRP1'.


    • The hierarchies can only be sent out of their original controlling
    • areas.
      • ALE must be active for message type 'COGRP1' and if necessary, for the
      • target system.

        If several hierarchies are chosen through the selection criteria forthe group names, a separate IDOC is generated for each hierarchy.
        All logical systems supported by the ALE message type 'COGRP1' willhave a hierarchy created as it appears in the source system. Thisoccurs in a target system only if it is entered.
        Existing groups are overwritten if they belong to the same controllingarea.