SAP Program RGRWSUBMIT - Report Writer: Call Report with Variant


Call Report Writer Report Groups with Variant

Starts the Report Writer report groups with a variant as a batch job orfrom the report tree.

Instead of the generated ABAP program you can enter the RGRWSUBMITprogram in the batch job. In variants of the RGRWSUBMIT program thename of the report group and of the report variant are given when thereport is called.
If you execute the RGRWSUBMIT program using transaction SE38, you canenter the name of the Report Writer report group and the name of thereport variant that exists for this report group. You can determinewhether the report is to be started with or without a selection screen.
Create variants for the RGRWSUBMIT program that contain the reportgroup and the name of the report variant.
You can then enter the RGRWSUBMIT program with the variants created inthe batch job in place of the ABAP program. This program then calls thecorresponding Report Writer report group.


Call transaction SE38.
Execute program ZRWSUBMIT.
Enter the name of the report group.
Use the input help (F4) to select the name of the report variant.
With the 'Execute with selection screen' indicator, you determinewhether the selection screen of the report is to be displayed when thereport group is called directly from the report tree.
Save a variant for the program ZRWSUBMIT.
Goto -> Variant -> Save
The variant contains the name of the report group, report variant andthe indicator for the selection screen.