Title General ledger transaction figures classified acccording to offsettingaccount Purpose This report displays the transaction figures clasified according tooffsetting account. This means that the debit and credit items areclassified accourding to the G/L account containing the offsettingposting.
Prerequisites Generally, all ledgers can be valuated if the update of the offsettingaccount is activated. The ledgers to be valuated must use the technicalname "RACCT" for the characteristic "G/L account" and the technicalname "SACCT" for the characteristic "Offsetting account". Features Selection The main selections are: Ledger Record type Version Company code Account number Fiscal year Period
Output In addition to the account number and description, the offsettingaccount and the local currency amounts are output as debit and credittotals. If the transaction figures are kept in a global companycurrency or a different local currencies, these are also displayed.