SAP Program RGMBUDGET_TRANSFER_TO_FM - Transfer Grants Management Budget to Funds Management

If there is a budget integration between Grants Management (GM) andFunds Management (FM), the system automatically performs the transferbetween the modules. This only happens if the budget that is beingentered is for an awarded grant and for approved and released budget.
When you enter a budget document using the grant's budgeting workbench,a fiscal year distribution must take place in FM. When the document isposted, the system automatically transfers this fiscal yeardistribution into FM.
This transfer happens only if the fiscal year is open for budgeting inFM. If a given fiscal year is closed but the budget document contains avalue distribution for the given year, the system does not transfer thebudget for that year, though it does keep the information stored. Youshould run this report after the new year is opened in FM. Thistransfers all of the outstanding budget.

This tool transfers any remaining budget from GM to FM.
If you transfer the budget on a yearly basis and all of your years inFM are open, you do not need to run this report; the transfer would becarried on automatically by the system at the time of budget entry inGM.

Grants Management budget is integrated with Funds Management


  • Selections:

  • Budget Document Number, Grant and Budget Document Type
    • Control Parameters:

    • Transfer to all Fiscal Years
      System will try to transfer outstanding budget to all open fiscal years
      Fiscal Year
      System will only transfer budget to the fiscal year specified in thisfield
      Test Run
      As required.


      • When you run the program in dialog mode, an application log is
      • displayed, showing all errors and activity associated with the programrun.
        • When you run the program in batch, a list containing the activity log
        • is displayed in the spool.