SAP Program RGJ_CO_OBJ_OP - CO objects related to Open items

Use this report to identify cost objects that have open items to becleared, for example, to identify cost obects which should be blockedagainst posting but cannot be, due to open items remaining.

This report determines all open items for a user-specified set of costobjects.

In the selection screen, you must enter a value in the Company Code
You must complete at least one of the offered cost object selectionfields, that is Cost Center, Order, WBS Element.
If you specify values for more than one cost object type, for example,you specify a cost center and an order, then open items that areassigned to the cost center - OR - assigned to the order areselected.
If venture and/or equity groups are specified as well, then the openitem selection is restricted to those records that are assigend to thespecified cost objects and the venture and/or the equitygroups.
Caution: Usually, if no value is entered in a select optionfield, a report selects all records, for example, if nothing is enteredin the Cost Center (from or to) fields, all records correspondingto any cost center are selected.
To prevent extremely long runtimes, this report does not select anycorresponding record when no values are entered in the selectoption fields of a cost object type.
If, despite the performance issue of long runtimes, you want to selectall records for a certain cost object type, you must enter the wildcard' * ' in the From field of the respective cost objecttype.
Performance issue: Because the whole open item database in FI aswell as the corresponding line items in the JV database have to beretrieved, the report could experience long run times.
When you start the transaction, the system first processes all FI openline items (tables BSIS, BSID and BSIK ), stores them in an internalbuffer, and then matches them against the JV line item table JVSO1 usingthe select options you specified.
The FI line items are read from the database only if you start thetransaction from scratch, or if you change the company code.
So, when you change select options other than company code, andchoose Execute, the FI open line items are not retrievedfrom the database again because they are still in the local buffer.The altered select options are applied to match the local buffer againstthe JV line items.
This saves significant runtime.
If possible, we recommend running the report by company code, costobjects of only one type, and restricting it to a venture and equitygroup.
When you want to change select options other than the companycode, do not start the transaction again; just alter theselect options and choose Execute.

The screen divides into a header section, which contains the selectioncriteria, and underneath into a left and a right frame.
The left frame contains the hierarchical tree result list of allselected objects within the select-option range.
The tree nodes are ordered as follows: Company codes - Cost objecttypes - Individual cost objects.
To display the master data of an individual cost object, click therespective cell.
To display all corresponding open items for a cost object , double-clickthe leading icon of an individual cost object line in the left frame.The result list of the corresponding open line items will be displayedin the right frame.
To call the standard FI document display for a document, eitherdouble-click the open line item in the right frame or click the cellwhich contains the FI line item document number. To return to the openitem list screen from the single document display, click Back.
To call the JV document display for a document, click the cellwhich contains the JV line item document number. To return to the openitem list screen from the single document display, click Back.
