Description Report program RFVOBJ01> generates objects from imported datarecords. In addition, it assigns the objects to defined loans andcreates encumbrances.
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Make sure that the XOBJALT> (old object number) field is filledfor each object. This field is used to differentiate between objectsand controls the program flow.Output Steps in the sequence: Create object Assign object to loan Create encumbrance Save the changed loan The program attempts to create the objects using the imported data bymeans of a call transaction>. If this is not possible, itgenerates a batch input session>.Further notes The program assigns the objects to the correct loans via theidentifying characteristics of the loans (company code and contractnumber) in the transfer structure RLFVZG>. If the loans and partners are transferred by means of TR external datatransfer (transfer categories 51> and 14>), you can supplythe identifying characteristics together with the loan ID and partnerID. If you want to assign an existing object to a loan, the identifyingcharacteristics of the loan and the object ID need to be supplied tothe transfer structure RLFVZG>. In this case, the system merelycalls up the transaction for changing the loan and assigns the object. If you want to assign an object to several loans, the record containingthe object data and one of the referenced loans must have a uniquevalue in field XOBJALT>. You also need to supply a recordcontaining the loan ID for each additional loan. The content of theROBJNR> field in this record must correspond to the XOBJALT > field of the record with the object data. The program creates encumbrances relating to a mortgage loan if theunderlying object has been assigned to a loan and the relevantencumbrance fields have been filled in the transfer structureRLFVZG>.