Description This report carries out the conversion for processing the new periodsof notice for rental agreements and offers. Processing takes place inthree stages: The old Customizing table TIV64 (periods of notice) is converted to thenew table TIVKUE2. For each rental agreement with period of notice type VIMIMV-SKUEFR ='2' (that is, extraordinary notice), a new entry is created in tableVIMIK1 (period regulation). In table VIMIMV (rental agreement master record), two new fieldsVIMIMV-SKUEKEY and VIMIMV-SKUEART are filled for all rental agreementswith periods of notice. For each offer with period of notice type VIMI33-SKUEFR = '2', a newentry is created in table VIMIK1 (same as for rental agreement). In table VIMI33 (offer master record), two new fields VIMI33-SKUEKEYand VIMI33-SKUEART are created for all offers with periods of notice. |