Title Report RFVIUBMV00: Transfers open items when there is a change ofmaster tenant with customer account. Purpose A new partner (master tenant with customer account) replaces a previousone in a rental agreement and takes on the rights and obligations ofthe previous master tenant. This report allows you to transfer openitems from the previous partner on a 1:1 basis to the new partner (on acertain key date).
Prerequisites You must have an active rental agreement where the master tenant withcustomer account has changed. Features The rental agreement and company code in question appear in theselection screen as well as the posting date of the posting to begenerated for the new customer. The key date for the selection (actual master tenant on the key date)is usually the current date. If the partner with customer account haschanged more than once, this date might also be in the past. If required, unqualified down payments made by the customer (without arental agreement account assignment) can also be transferred. If needed the document date, document type, reference document numberand the document header text can be entered for the new posting. Ifthese fields are empty, the entries from the previous posting arecopied. The open items due from the previous master tenant before the key dateare displayed in the selection list. All items to be transferred can behighlighted here. The posting is made after a confirmation prompt. Caution: Due to technical reasons only one line of data is copied from the olddocuments. Therefore, under certain circumstances, information could belost! The following data is copied or generated from old documents: Document header Document type, document date, reference and document header text arecopied or can be preassigned Posting date and business year are automatically assigned Currency key, conversion rate and conversion rate are copied Document items: Posting key, special G/L indicator, sales tax indicator, amount (indocument currency), tax amount (in document currency), item text, duedate, payment block, dunning data and business area are copied from theold document Customer, company code, contract category, contract number, real estatekey (REKEY), payment method, assignment number, house bank key andpartner bank type are copied from the "new" rental agreement Activities Verify that the postings made are correct. |