SAP Program RFVISL21 - Debit Positions

Data retrieval and display for debit positions of rental agreements (orsimulation)
Using the data you enter, the system determines all active rentalagreements which fulfil the selection criteria and subsequentlyidentifies all due items for each rental agreement.
The data is entered using the reports
- RFVISL10 for the production run and
- RFVISL12 for the simulation.
Where applicable, the data is checked and interpreted. The data is thenforwarded by SUBMIT.
If a subsidizer is defined for a rental agreement, the subsidies arecalculated.
The system also determines the data which is relevant to accountdetermination (predominant utilization type, partner's corporate groupindicator) for further processing.
Account determination is carried out for the identified items, so thatposting records can be generated. The posting records are then put in abatch input session.
The system generates a posting log and an error log, if it cannot postall items determined.
In order to avoid inconsistencies in the database, a 'transactionblock' is set for all rental agreements affected. This 'block' is resetafter the batch input session has been run.
(No batch input session is generated for the simulation, and no'blocks' are set.)
A result list shows which transactions are posted for the debitpositions.
Data selection:
- Rental agreements (VIMI04)
- due transaction data per rental agreement (VIBEPP)
- ...
The main utilization type is required for account determination (eitherfor the property or the building, VIOB02, VIOB03 or view VVISL01,depending on the rental unit).
For legal persons, the corporate relationship is also evaluated foraccount determination (old PAV: VZPARZJ-SUNTBEZ, or if company coderelated data is available: VZPARJB-SUNTBEZ; new PAV: BP1040-COMP_RE).