SAP Program RFVISL10 - Debit Position - Initial Screen

1. Process from application view
(2. Technical view)
This program starts the debit position for rental agreements. The itemsto be posted are determined on the basis of the following
criteria which you have to enter

  • month of debit position

  • year

  • company code

  • business entity

  • rental agreement

  • Data for the accounting documents to be created is predefined using thefollowing information:
    • document date

    • posting date

    • posing period

    • document header text

    • When the program is executed, a batch input session is generated.
      The details
      • session processing time

      • are used to set up a job which automatically processes the batch inputsession in the background and thus generates the required postings.
        If you set the parameter
        • Extended log (RA status)

        • the system creates a log of the rental agreements which fulfil theselection criteria but do not have the status 'active rental agreement'or where no valid status can be determined.
          You can predetermine the structure of the debit position result list byselecting the information to be displayed for each list.
          If you start the report as a background job, you have to enter moredetails about the spool requests to be generated.
          Before the debit position procedure is started, the system makesfurther
          • authorization checks and

          • (used-dependent checks)
            • consistency checks

            • (for example, it is not permitted to start a debit position procedure
            • for some time in the future, only the following month is allowed, theposting period cannot be closed,....)
              If the checks are successful, the data is then selected and processed.
              See the documentation available for the report RFVISL21.
              Technical information:
              The following default values are proposed by the system:
              Month /Year - the following month,
              company code via SET/GET-parameter
              The system creates select options in order to start the report RFVISL21per SUBMIT later.

              The required authorizations are contained in the user master.

              --> RFVISL21
              ( Debit position log (online list which is no longer held if you selectthe functions 'Back', 'Cancel' or 'Exit'.
              Error log, if inconsistencies within the data to be selected or in theconfiguration settings occur.
              Posting log with details of the accounts determined and amounts whichare subsequently posted via batch input.)