Description The report generates a list of balances for customers who appear asmain tenants with customer accounts or subsidizers for the selectedobjects or lease-outs or as contractual partners with customer accountsin general contracts. Selection: You can select according to company code, business entity, rental unit,lease-out number and general contract as well as special G/L indicatorand account balance. You can also decide if contracts without deletionflags, contracts with deletion flags or both should be included. Alternatively, you can carry out the lease-out selection using sets ofobjects or sets of lease-outs. You can also carry out the generalcontract selection using sets of general contracts. Please note that the object selection only applies to lease-outs. Ifyou want to analyze the general contracts by object, you first have tocreate a set of general contracts, where you can take object assignmentinto account. The "Selection contracts" indicator determines whether the selectionconsiders only lease-outs, only general contracts, or both lease-outsand general contracts. You can also choose to display the balances per collective lease-out ormain contract instead of for each individual contract ("Balance percollective LO" indicator). Normal sales (sales without special G/L indicator) are always selectedif the parameter "Select normal sales" is checked. If you want to select the normal sales alone, enter in the selectioncriteria "Sales indicator": Sales indicator A Z In "Selection option" check "Excl". The account balance always refers to the processes selected with theresult that only those documents posted on the key date (posting date)and the corresponding special G/L indicators in the selection are usedfor calculating the balance. The balance is assessed for each customer. Take the following points into consideration when entering the totalbalance in the selection conditions. Example: The entry Account balance 100.00 1000.00 results in all customers who have an account balance greater than/equalto 100.00 as well as customers who have an account balance less than/equal to 1000.00 being selected. Account balance 1000.00 results in all customers who have an account balance less than/equal to1000.00 being selected. If you want to select customers whose account is greater than 1000.00,enter: Account balance 1000,00 , select Selection option>. In the dialog box that appears select"Options" and the selection option greater than>. If you want to select only those customers who are in credit, do notenter an account balance, but position the cursor on the selectionoption "Account balance", select Selection options > and selectless than> in the dialog box. All the customers who then appearin the list have a balance less than 0 (balance in credit).Output This list has a list for all customers containing all the contracts andthe balances categorized according to sales indicators with balance of total previous year (fiscal year) debit balance of the current year, credit balance of the current year, total balance of the current year. The lease-out is preset: '3/' for lease-outs 'C/' for collective lease-outs 'M/' for main contracts for general contracts '8/' for management contracts The account number, name, city and the customer total balance iscontained in the title for each customer account. The debit and creditbalances of the current year, the balance of the current year and thebalance of the previous year are issued in the line total. The following is issued for each company code: the balances listed above according to special G/L ledger indicatorsand the total of these balances for posts without rental agreementaccount assignment the balances listed above for the business entities categorizedaccording to sales indicators and the total of these balances the balances for the company code and the total of the balances The line total is never released if there is only one line issued (percontract, per business entity, per company code). The totals are deduced from the posts that are currently selected. Ifyou want to have a complete overview of a business entity, you shouldplace no further selection restrictions (other than defining thebusiness entity). An overview of the selection criteria is issued on the last sheet ofthe list for documentation purposes. The selection options are recordedin the usual way:
- from value and to value
- "I" for inclusion (included in the selection), "E" for exclusion
(excluded from the selection)
- and the abbreviation for the interval or single value selection
EQ single value NE not equal GE greater than or equal LT less than LE less than or equal GE greater than BT between