Description The report prints rentalcollateral> for lease-outs >. Letters are printed for rental collateral of a lease-out. (More information at the end of this documentation) You can decide which letters are to be printed for which recipients. INCLUDE FVCORRESP_USE_OF_CORRACT_03 OBJECT DOKU ID TXPrecondition One-Time preparations> -------------------------------- INCLUDE RECP_PRECONDITIONS_01 OBJECT DOKU ID TX Maintain letters> ------------------ Before you run the report, you need at least one form letter for thepersonal guarantee that you have created in the correspondencefunction. These letters are in the document group, PEBS. Check that the requirements have been met. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Customizing the letters: Execute function> ENDIF Maintain correspondence activies INCLUDE FVCORRESP_CORRACT_MAINTAIN OBJECT DOKU ID TX The correspondence application '101' belongs to the personal guarantor. Maintain the correspondence groups INCLUDE FVCORRESP_CORRGRP_MAINTAIN23 OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE FVCORRESP_CORRGRP_MAINTAIN_6 OBJECT DOKU ID TX Further information is contained in the description for thecorrespondence interface.Output INCLUDE RE_OUTPUT_FOR_CORRESP_10 OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE RE_CP_OUTPUT_B1_P_GUAR_DATA OBJECT DOKU ID TX Further information Documentation of a subsequent program >Further_hints As described above, the letters are printed for each rental collateralof a lease-out. Several rental collaterals of a single lease-out can be recorded inseveral letters and not all of them in one letter. If you have several rental collaterals in a lease-out that you want toprint in one letter, use the "General correspondence" for this. Documentation for general correspondence> |