SAP Program RFVIPL01 - Copy From Cash Flow to Plan Version


This report program copies planned records from thecash flow of a lease-outto a plan version.

You have to generate the cash flow of the lease-out for the entireperiod that is to be copied.


In the initial screen, you enter your selection criteria for therequired lease-outs. To select the planned records, you have to specifythe calendar year and months for which you require the planned records.The system determines the correct period from the due date of a pannedrecord.
Apart from a plan version to which the data is to be copied, you canalso specify a target object type. If you do not enter data here, therecords are updated as planned values for the respective lease-out. Ifyou enter business entity, building, property or rental unit as theobject type, the records are updated in the object hierarchicallysuperior to the lease-out (see Example 1).
Before making the posting, you can change the amounts by a specifiedfactor. If you choose "Factors", a table appears in which you can entervalues for different flowtypes.
If you set the "Accumulate" indicator, you can add new records to thevalues that have already been posted on the target object withoutdeleting the old values. You have to set this indicator in particularif different periods of a fiscal year are to be treated with differentfactors (see Example 2).
If you set the "Extended log" indicator,
a line is added to the log for every record copied.


At the end of the program run, the data transferred to the CO interfaceis displayed in a list. You cannot see from this list whether theplanned value was actually posted or not. You can display errormessages or warnings generated by the report or by the CO interface bychoosing "Display message log". If a record could not be posted onaccount of, say, a planning lock, it is still displayed in the list oftransferred records but an error message apears in the message log.
Note that you may ignore the message "Writing planned line items notpermitted" if you only intend to write total records. However, if youalso want to write line items, this has to be enabled for the objectwith the user status.

Example 1: You select all lease-outs of business entity 1. Thetarget object is "building".
The planned records of the different lease-outs are updated in thatbuilding to which the rental unit of the lease-out is assigned.Lease-outs that are assigned to a property are not considered.
Example 2: For a particular lease-out, the rents for the monthsJanuary to April are to be transferred to the plan version without anychanges. A rent increase is expected for May, which means that thevalues for May to December have to be transferred to the plan for alarger amount.
Two program runs are required. In the first run, months 1 to 4 arecopied to the plan verson. In the second run, months 5 to 12 areselected. You enter an increase factor for flow type 1000 ("basicrent") in the maintenance screen under "Factors" and set the indicator"Adjust amounts". Finally you set the "Accumulate" indicator.