Description This report evaluates the apportionment result for the service chargesettlement. You can navigate from the output information to the settlement unit,the rental unit (for vacancies) and to the rental agreement (forrentals). Output The information is output by company code, settlement period and, ifapplicable, settlement identification. Further groupings are made bysettlement units and apportionment procedure. Within each of thesegroups, the information is sorted according to the participating rentalunits. You can display three different screens: "Amounts", "Factors", and"Additional data".
- On the "Amounts" screen, you see the net, tax, and gross amounts for
each rental unit, broken down into vacancy periods and rental periods,and settlement types. The total settlement units amounts are alsodisplayed. The following totals are also displayed: Non-deductible tax Deductible tax Amounts per settlement unit and apportionment factor (if a settlementunit has more than one apportionment factor) Amounts per settlement unit (SU) Amounts per business entity of the SU Total amount
- On the "Factors" screen, you see the following information for each
rental unit, broken down into vacancy periods and rental periods: Heating value percentage rates Apportionment factors Reference values Settlement types
- On the "Additional data" screen, you see the following values with the
same breakdown as above: Indicator to show if costs are to be borne by the owner in the case ofadvance payments Indicator to show if the tenant's charges are subject to value-addedtax Occupancy of the rental unit by the current rental agreement