Description The report prints servicecharge> settlements for the selected time period. Letters are issued for eachlease-out>. You can decidewhich letters will be printed for which recipients. INCLUDE FVCORRESP_USE_OF_CORRACT_01 OBJECT DOKU ID TXPrecondition One-Time preparations> -------------------------------- INCLUDE RECP_PRECONDITIONS_01 OBJECT DOKU ID TX Maintaining the letters> ------------------ Before you run the report, you need at least one form letter for theservice charge settlement one for the attachment in the text processingsystem that you have linked to your correspondence function. Correspondence for the service charge settlement is stored in thedocument group SCS and the attachment in the document group SCAT. Make sure that this requirement is met. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Customizing correspondence: Execute function> ENDIF Maintain correspondence activities INCLUDE FVCORRESP_CORRACT_MAINTAIN OBJECT DOKU ID TX Correspondence application '042' belongs to the service chargesettlement Maintain correspondence groups INCLUDE FVCORRESP_CORRGRP_MAINTAIN_1 OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE FVCORRESP_CORRGRP_MAINTAIN_2 OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE FVCORRESP_CORRGRP_MAINTAIN10 OBJECT DOKU ID TX Additional information is contained in the description of thecorrespondence interface.Output INCLUDE RE_OUTPUT_FOR_CORRESP_03 OBJECT DOKU ID TX Further information documentation of a subsequent program> documentation of a subsequent program> |