SAP Program RFVIIN01 - Invoice for Rent on Basis of FI Documents: First Print

Rent Invoice on the Basis of FI Documents: First Print

Invoices for lease-out-related open items are created in the firstprint. Each invoice is assigned an invoice number based on the year.

The invoices created using this program can only be printed again withthe repeat print program with reference to theinvoice number.

Open items with an account assignment on a lease-out must exist.
The system administrator must make the settings for thecorrespondence function. These include:

  • One-time preparations

  • Letter maintenance

  • Using user exits
  • Features
    First the program selects all open items that match the selectioncriteria in the Select Real Estate Objects and Selection ofopen items groups. These items are then grouped according to theparameters set for the invoices. If the a customer's open itemsdiffer in the following details, the customer receivesseveral invoices:

    • Address ID of the customer (only if several
    • contracts exist)
      • Currency of the open items

      • House bank of the open items

      • Partner bank type of the open items

      • Payment method of the open items

      • You can print the invoices either directly without another dialog, orusing a selection list. The invoices can be displayed in a printpreview from the selection list.
        The system automatically selects only open items that have not beenpreviously invoiced.
        If the invoice balance represents a credit (if the credit item clearinghas been set), the letter is not printed. It is not possible to printcredit memos using this program.

        In the Select Real Estate Objects group, limit the objects andpartners that are to be considered in the open item search. Forperformance reasons it is also recommended that you limit the search byobjects as required, if the number of selected open items, for example,is determined by the indication of a debit position run in theSelection of open items group.
        You can limit the open items even further according to:

        • Due period from and to - The
        • base date for the due calculation of the open item is in this period.
          • Document type

          • Payment method - An item is also selected if it
          • does not contain a specified payment method but this payment method isspecified for the customer.
            • Reference document number - such as the
            • number of a debit position run
              • Posting run activity - such as debit position

              • Clearing credit memo items - Credit memo items are
              • cleared with debit items that have the same payment method.
                • Print ALL open items - If there are any,
                • items that have already been invoiced are invoiced again (with a newinvoice number).
                  The selected items are grouped into invoices according to theparameters of the Invoice creation group:
                  • Minimum amount - Invoices are only created
                  • if the invoice balance is greater than or equal to the trivial amountlimit.
                    • Grouping invoices - One invoice per customer,
                    • collective lease-out or lease-out
                      • Dividing up invoices - Divide invoices by the
                      • due date of the items.
                        Additional parameters determine how the other invoice data isformatted:
                        • Letter creation date

                        • Print att. payment medium - The FI payment medium
                        • print program is used. The payment medium is printed based on theinvoice payment method. If no payment medium is defined in Customizingfor FI payment medium print for the payment method (e.g. automaticdebit transfer), then no payment medium is printed.
                          • Summarize items - Determines how the list of
                          • items is displayed in the invoice.
                            To translate each item into another currency you use the parameters ofthe Conversion to other currency group. The definition of theletter used determines whether this currency actually appears in theinvoice. In standard letters, only the invoice balance is shown in thesecond currency (as additional information).
                            In the Output control group you determine the letter you want to useand therefore the layout of the invoice printout by thecorrespondence activity. You can also decide whetherto print the invoice immediately after the program is executed, or tofirst display a selection list with theinvoices to be printed on the screen. You can find more information onhow to use the selection list further on in this text. When you printwithout a selection list you can also define aalternative output device in the selection screenor use the Print options dialog to change all otherprint parameters for the current print run.

                            When you print without a selection list all the invoices in one printrun are put into exactly one spool request. Unlikeother correspondence programs, each print run begins with a new spoolrequest regardless of the relevant Customizing setting.
                            The invoices to be printed are displayed in the selection list up tothe maximum number of entries. The invoicesare listed in lines. Invoices that cannot be printed are shown in adifferent color:

                            • Yellow: The invoice amount is below the set
                            • minimum amount (trivial amount limit).
                              • Red: The entry is a credit memo.

                              • You can change the layout of the list and also save it if necessaryusing the generic settings of the ABAP List Viewer.
                                Invoice prints are logged internally in two tables so that a repeatprint can be carried out. Table VIMIIH contains the invoice header,table VIMIIP contains the invoice items. The invoice number is alsostored in the BSEG-XREF1 and BSID-XREF1 fields. If, as an exception, anitem appears in more than one invoice (as is the case with thePrint ALL open items indicator), both ofthese fields contain the reference to the last printed invoice.
                                Invoice numbers are generated from the year-dependent number rangeobject RE_INVOICE.
                                Please note that invoice numbers are only assigned when you printwithout a print preview. If you use the print preview, the printout isalways a test print; the above-mentioned log tables are notcopied. The invoice header also contains the words "test print".
                                If you have set up the archiving of the outgoing SAPscript REcorrespondence in your system, the invoice is archived when printed,and linked to the following objects:
                                • Customer (letter recipient)

                                • Each participating lease-out
                                • Activities
                                  When you print with the selection list, you can execute the followingactions for the displayed invoices:

                                  • Double-click the invoice - Displays the print preview without
                                  • assigning an invoice number
                                    • Print preview - Displayed when you double-click the invoice

                                    • Print - The invoice is printed and is assigned an invoice
                                    • number.
                                      • Print with parameters - Before the invoice is printed you can
                                      • change the print parameters in a dialog.
                                        • Display customer master data

                                        • Display customer account

                                        • Display contract data - You can only execute this action if the
                                        • invoice is for exactly one contract.
                                          To select an invoice, all you have to do is position the cursor on theappropriate line. If you use the checkboxes in the selection column,they take precedence over the cursor position, but not over adouble-click. Both print actions support multiple selection.
                                          Each print action using the selection list is treated as a separateprint run and generates exactly one spool request.

                                          INCLUDE RECP_DOC_INV_EXAMPLE_OI OBJECT DOKU ID TX

704377Turnover tax law §14 invoice printout