Description Precondition Output |
360130 | Error for D-tape import: incorrect heating system |
337719 | Ext.heat.costs sttlmt:termntn whn creating M/L-tape |
331004 | Ext.HE sett: settlemnt of more than one heat.system |
316507 | Ext.HE sett: record end indicator mixed up/AP blank |
318273 | Ext.HE sett.: BTE not usable for M/L record |
308346 | Ext. HE sett.: missing indicator in M/L-tape |
307490 | Externl heatng expenses settlement w/ severl heating systems |
311076 | ext.HE sett. several M-records for one lease-out |
310418 | Ext.HE sett.:not all RUs considered in M/L record |
307446 | Ext.HE sett.:termination for creation of M/L-tape |
215211 | Ext.HE sett: M/L-tape - totals row shows incorr.vls |
210758 | Ext.HE settl.:settl.partcptn unequal to RA prtcptn |
206396 | Ext.HE sett: M/L-tape only specs RU for sett.type 3 |
205475 | ext.HE stt: basic shares not saved with 4,2 characters |