SAP Program RFVIERMV - Change Collective LO Number for Active and Inactive Contracts

With this program, you can combine rental agreements under onecollective rental agreement number or split them up, even if theindividual agreements are active.

The program changes the selected agreements without blocking them. Youtherefore have to make sure the agreements are not already beingprocessed.

A list of all the rental agreements you selected is displayed. The listis sorted according to customer number and rental agreement number. Youmark the rental agreements you want to combine in the checkbox. If youwant to assign a collective rental agreement number to the markedrental agreements, press the "Assign collective RA" pushbutton. This isonly possible if all the selected agreements (as well as the agreementsbelonging to collective rental agreements with the same collective RAnumber) have the same master tenant.
If you press the pushbutton "Delete collective RA-no.", you delete theassignment of a collective RA number to the marked rental agreements.
The changes are written to the database at the point when you save thedata.
If you leave the list by choosing BACK, EXIT or CANCEL, the data willnot be saved! There is no confirmation prompt.
Note that only the master data of the rental agreement is changed.Consequently the collective rental agreement number is adopted in thenext debit position (if the respective Customizing settings have beenmade). Documents that have already been posted are not changed!