Description This program sets the 'deletion indicator' status for properties. Precondition The following preconditions must be fulfilled:
- The 'deletion flag' status has to be active.
- The residence time has elapsed since the 'deletion flag' status was set
(table TIVAR1).
- All rental units of the property have been archived.
- The object balance is either equal to zero or not equal to zero. You
can influence what attribute is allowed by means of an applicationstatus that allows activity MAR0 for archiving objects with zerobalance and activity MARC for archiving objects with balance not equalto zero. Maintain a status selection profile in the IMG, if required,and assign the object category property to it.Output If one of the checks is not successfully carried out, a log entry isgenerated and output. If all checks are successful for an object, the 'deletion indicator'status is set. At the end of residence time 2, the object can bearchived.