SAP Program RFVDVER0 - Initial Screen for IP Rejection Post Processing

The report generates a list of open or cleared items which can beselected according to particular time intervals.
The list contains G/L account items which are open at the key date youspecified, as well as cleared items whose clearing dates are in thespecified selection area. Only accounts which are managed on an openitem basis are taken into consideration.
In addition to the usual item information, the following additionalaccount assignments are displayed as far as these are contained in theitem:

  • cost center and plant

  • project number and activity category

  • order number
  • Note
    If you do not make any additional selections, then the report selectsboth open and cleared items. If only open items are requested, then youshould specify a value for the clearing date which does not occur fordocuments, for example 01/01/1900.

    Sorting is carried out by company code, account number, business areaand posting date.
    The totals of debit and credit amounts as well as balance amounts setup in the list are indicated by a different number of asterisks (*)

    • ** = end of business area

    • *** = end of G/L account

    • **** = end of company_code>company code

    • ***** = end of the list

    • For the G/L account statements, balances are written in addition for
      The variable part of the microfiche line has the following structure:
      • company code (4 characters)

      • G/L account (10 characters)

      • business area (4 characters)

      • posting date (6 characters)
      • Example

        • A list of open items is to be created for a G/L account managed on an
        • open item basis: G/L account number and key date are to be entered. Sothat cleared items are not selected in addition, you should specify avalue for the clearing date which cannot occur in the documents as theclearing date, for example 01/01/1900:
          Open items at the key date 03/19/1994
          Clearing date 01/01/1900
          • A list of open items is to be created for a G/L account managed on an
          • open item basis: G/L account number and key date are to be entered.
            Open items at the key date 03/19/1994
            Clearing date