SAP Program RFVDPA01 - Rollover: Evaluations

Report program RFVDPA01 delivers information about the loan positionsto be rolled over. This evaluation does not depend on the filestructures - the system takes all the loans into account, regardless ofwhether or not they are in a file.
The program evaluates the loans for one company code. The mainselection criterion is the interval for the end of the fixed interestperiod. The default setting is that all the capital amount fieldsshould be calculated as of the end of the fixed period. If required,you can enter a different calculation date.
In addition to the complete statistics, you can call up a list of theindividual loans which need to be rolled over. You can also display themain borrower and, if applicable, the file in which the loan is held.
If the interval is a year or less, you can generate annual statistics.In this case, the contract capital is assigned to a month column.

  • Company code

  • Enter the company code. You need to run the evaluation separately foreach company code.
    • End of fixed period

    • The system only takes loans which correspond to the selection criteriainto account for the evaluation (for example, 1st quarter)
      • Product type, contract number, loan type, loan category, repayment
      • type
        Via these fields, you can narrow down the selection further.
        • Currency

        • Enter the currency. You need to run the evaluation separately for eachcurrency.
          • Calculate other than fixed period end (FPE), calculation date

          • If this field is not flagged, the system calculates the capital amountfields as of the corresponding fixed period end date. If you want touse a different calculation date, you need to flag this field and entera calculation date. This can be appropriate if, for example, postingsexist after the end of the fixed period (such as repayments.
            • Individual list

            • You need to set this flag if you want to print out all the selectedloans individually.
              • Display file

              • If you set this flag, the system sorts the loans by file and displaysthe corresponding file.
                • With main borrower

                • You need to set this flag if you want to output the main borrower foreach loan. At present, you can only display the main borrower for loanswhich are already in a file.
                  • Annual statistics

                  • If the evaluation period (end of fixed period from - to) is less thanor equal to a year, you can print out annual statistics. The annualstatistics give you a 'graphical' overview of the due dates forindividual loans by displaying the commitment capital of each loan inthe column for the month in which the loan fixed interest period ends.
                    • Header

                    • The header area contains the selection criteria entered for the companycode, currency, product types and evaluation period.
                      • Complete statistics

                      • The system outputs the full statistics for each product type/loan type.
                        The are three main columns: 'Total', 'Rolled over several times' and'Adjusted'. In each column, you see the number of loans and theremaining amounts.
                        The 'Total' column covers all the loans due. If a loan is due severaltimes within the evaluation period, that is to say, if the loan hasalready been rolled over, it is also taken into account several times.Multiple rollovers are output in the 'Rolled over several times'column. The difference between the first two columns is displayed inthe 'Adjusted' column.
                        In the 'Repaid' row, the system displays the number of units and theremaining capital of loans which have been paid off in the usual way.These loans do not appear in the following lines.
                        In the 'Pending' row, the system displays all the loans (except for theloans which have been paid off!) where the end of the fixed interestperiod falls within the evaluation period ( = 100 %). The loans pendingare then subdivided into:
                        Loans rolled over
                        Loans which have been rolled over appear in two rows. The 'Rolloverbefore repayment' row contains the remaining capital before a possibleunscheduled repayment as part of a rollover. The 'Rollover afterunscheduled repayment' contains the remaining capital after theunscheduled repayment has been made. Transfer postings and unscheduledrepayments are disclosed separately.
                        Loans paid back (row: 'paid back')
                        Outstanding loans to be rolled over (row: 'outstanding')
                        • Annual statistics

                        • In the annual statistics, the system displays the individual loans withthe product type, the loan type and the remaining capital. Theremaining capital (divided by 1000) appears in the column for the monthdue.
                          • Individual list

                          • In the list of individual loans, the following data is output for eachloan:
                            Contract no.
                            Effective from (start of fixed interest period)
                            End of fixed interest period
                            End of term (end of contract term)
                            Remaining capital before unscheduled repayment
                            NTyp (notice type)
                            Status ('Paid back', 'Outstanding', 'Rolled over', '___')
                            Main borrower
                            The the list of individual loans is sorted by loan number as a default.However, if you have set the 'Display file' flag, the loans are sortedby file name and then sorted by loan number within the file.

                            Determination of the loan position
                            The evaluation covers all contracts for which the end of the fixedinterest period in the condition header falls within the evaluationperiod. The loans are grouped as follows:

                            • Pending loans

                            • All condition headers which fall within the evaluation period, exceptfor the repaid (!) loans.
                              • Loans rolled over

                              • All condition headers for which there is a previous condition header inthe evaluation period. This category also includes the last conditionheader of the evaluation period if the end of the fixed interest periodcorresponds to the end of the evaluation period and a further conditionheader exists after the evaluation period.
                                • Repaid loans

                                • ' after'
                                  ='', in other words, including any extraordinaryrepayments or transfer postings made repayments or transfer postingsmade as part of the rollover.
                                  ' before V'
                                  = '' plus extraordinary repayments made as part of therollover.
                                  ' before U'
                                  = '' plus outflow transfers.
                                  For loans paid back, the ' after' must be zero and the' before' must be greater than zero. A loan is regardedas 'repaid' (in the usual way) when the remaining capital of adisbursed loan is already zero before an extraordinary repayment ortransfer posting is made. By contrast, a loan is 'paid back' if anextraordinary repayment or transfer posting has been made.
                                  • Repaid loans (not included)

                                  • For repaid loans, the ' after' and 'plan.rem.capitalbefore' values must both be zero.
                                    • Outstanding loans

                                    • A loan is regarded as outstanding if the end of the fixed period forthe last condition header is before or the same as the end of theevaluation period and the loan has not been paid back (see above).
                                      • Loans rolled over several times

                                      • All condition headers which fall within the evaluation period exceptthe last condition header. It does not matter if the end of the lastcondition header is identical to the end of the evaluation period. Ifthis is the case, the last condition header is included if there is afollow-up condition header after the evalution period.
                                        • Adjusted loans

                                        • Original number of units minus the loans which have been rolled overseveral times.

                                          ' after'
                                          ='', in other words, including any extraordinaryrepayments or transfer postings made repayments or transfer postingsmade as part of the rollover.
                                          ' before V'
                                          = '' plus extraordinary repayments made as part of therollover.
                                          ' before U'
                                          = '' plus outflow transfers.

                                          • Repaid loans

                                          • after ( = remaining capital before = 0 )
                                            • Pending loans

                                            • before
                                              • Loans rolled over

                                              • before
                                                Extraordinary repayments made as part of the loan
                                                • Loans paid back

                                                • before
                                                  • Outstanding loans

                                                  • before