SAP Program RFVDOFIDUN1 - Transfer Customizing for Dunning to Application Data

This program copies the settings defined in Customizing to theapplication tables:

  • Loans master data:

  • Summarization level (vdarl-sdunncmp):
    This value is copied from the default value that has been set for theproduct type/company code (tzpab-sdunncmp).
    Caution: You can only use the summarization level 'FP' (financeproject) for contracts that have been assigned a finance projectnumber.
    Contract to which dunning charges/interest are posted: (vdarl-sduncharg):
    This indicator is set if the posting variant 2 has been defined for theproduct type/company code (tzpab-sdunpost) and 'FP' or 'BO' has beendefined as the summarization level (vdarl-sdunncmp). This means thatthis indicator is set for all contracts in the same summarizationlevel, even if one contract would be sufficient to post the charges. Inthe dunning run, the system posts the charges to the first contract itfinds. You need to postprocess the contracts manually or using your ownprogram.
    • Assigning partners to loans:

    • Type of dunning letter (vzgpo-sdunndoc):
      This value is copied from the default value set for the application/rolecategory (tdv07-sdunndoc).
      Partner (payer)to which dunning charges/interest are posted:(vzgpo-sdunnbuc):
      This value is copied from the default value set for the application/role category (tdv07-sdunnbuc).
      You can execute the report program several times. Each time you run theprogram, the old settings are overwritten.

      You must have made all the Customizing settings.