SAP Program RFVDFAWO - Loans for the Partner

The program "Loans for the partner" allows you to select and editspecific loan contracts or the loan contracts for a partner.
  • Selection according to contract number:

  • The system branches directly to the contract data display. From here,you can branch to the functions Change contract, Disbursement,Unscheduled repayment, Enter charges as business operation andEnter charges individually, depending on the authorizations youhave.
    You can also display partner and object data. However, this data canonly be changed using the Change contract function.
    • Selection according to partner:

    • The system first searches for all the partners linked to the specifiedpartner by relationship type 60 (partners are identical). It thendetermines all the contracts to which this partner is assigned as themain borrower and displays the partners and contracts found. Byselecting a contract number, you can branch to contract processing. Ifdrawings on disbursement exist for contracts, they are also displayed.
      • If only one contract is assigned to the main borrower, the system
      • branches directly to the contract when you search by partner name.
        • The selection parameters in the Selection via contract number
        • section control how the system determines and displays thecontract data. You cannot influence the contract display for thepartner.
          Selections for the contract display:
          • The contract display shows the open items for the contract rather than
          • for the partners. All the open items for the contract are displayed asa total, regardless of the debtor (for example, alternative payer). Ifyou activate the With open items indicator in the selectionscreen, the system displays the highest dunning status it finds. Thisis necessarily the dunning status of the main borrower.
            Since it can take a long time to determine all the open items, you candeactivate this function in the selection screen. In this case, thesystem displays the dunning status of the contract master data, andsuppresses open item display.
            • You can also speed up the selection by deactivating the display of
            • other contracts with the same main borrower. In this case, the systemmerely displays the number of other offers, contracts etc. If theoption is set to active, you can double-click on a related contract todisplay the contract data. This flag does not affect the display ofcontract data for the selection according to partner.

              The contract display includes the following data:

              • Contract with contract status, main borrower, the number of
              • additional partners for this contract and other contracts with the samemain borrower. There is also a button for displaying any memos that mayhave been entered.
                • Main object with address and any legal measures that have been
                • entered.
                  • Temporary messages, including collection authorization, no bank
                  • details found, overdue items exist, rollover in process. These messagesonly appear when applicable.
                    • Dunning data, if applicable, including bankruptcy of the main
                    • borrower, oath of disclosure etc.
                      • Capital amounts for the selected contract.

                      • Payment data for the contract: The system differentiates between
                      • loans given and loans taken when determining the data.
                        • Contract conditions: Only the conditions that are effective when
                        • the program is called up are displayed. Conditions that apply in thefuture are not included.
                          • Other partners: All the partners related to the contract,
                          • including the loan clerk/loan officer.
                            • Other objects: Additional objects and objects that jointly serve
                            • as loan collateral and any legal measures that affect them.
                              • Other contracts with the contract number, status, commitment
                              • capital and contract type.


                                • Payment data is only displayed if the contract has the status
                                • "contract" or "contract disbursed".
                                  • If no payment data is found, the system displays a corresponding
                                  • message and outputs the general contract data (affects commitmentcapital).