Description The program creates the entries for the German form for advance returnfor tax on sales/purchases in 1994 (designated by "ARTS form" in thefollowing). It creates spool requests> for theprintout. Enter the program run date and the identification. Then, select eithertaxes on sales/purchases groups>orcompany codes>. If you do not make an entry here,all tax on sales/purchases groups will be automatically selected. There are two ways to print the forms:
- If sales/purchases tax groups are selected, one form per group is
- If company codes are selected, one form per company code will be
selected. It is not always guaranteed that the advance return for tax on sales/purchases will be generated for an entire taxable entity and that theform will be presentable to domestic tax authorities. You shouldtherefore only use these forms for internal purposes. The SAPscript layout set, the tax number and the address of the taxauthority are those of the sales/purchases tax group to which thecompany code belongs. You further select, whether
- a corrected advance return for tax on sales/purchases exists,
- you want a clearing of the refund amount,
- you want to undo a collection authorization given to the tax office
just for this advance notice period. These three default settings apply to all distinct taxes on sales andpurchases groups or company codes. If you would like to reorganize data following the printout, select amaximal run date and a run ID. All data falling under these selectionswill be deleted from the database.Precondition Firstly, you select and prepare the required data from the documents byrunning the RFUMSV00 program for the advance return on sales/purchasestax. You identify which data you require with the program run date andan additional freely selected identifier. You would normally notselect the "Totals according to debit/credit" parameter, an explanationof this follows. You may also need to check if all required special prepayment amountsfor tax on sales/purchases groups have been entered. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF One-time preparatory measures> Table Settings (Customizing>) ----------------------------------------------- You make the following default settings via the correspondingcustomizing functions: Enter the country indicator for Germany and allocate the combinationsof tax on sales/purchases codes>, transaction keys, andtotal/debit/credit indicators to the base amount item in the layoutset. You can do this by dividing these combinations into base amountgroups and entering the symbol belonging to the group into the form. Ifthe amount will also be included in subtotals, carry-overs and grandtotals, you should also enter the other groups concerned forcombination. The fields tax group, version and arithmetic operation donot apply to Germany, and you should therefore leave these fieldsblank. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF Proceed accordingly for the tax amounts. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF Example: You have chosen tax code C1 for sales taxable at a rate of 7%,with C1 having the transaction key MWS, and you want the amounts to betotals, meaning that they will not be separated according to debit/credit. Enter the group corresponding to item 30 on the ARTS form forthe "C1/MWS" combination separately for tax base amount and for tax.Ifthe amount for this combination will also be calculated in subtotals,carryovers and end totals, you must also enter the other concernedgroups for "C1/MWS/ ". A separation of the amounts according to the debit/creditindicators in the tax items is not relevant for Germany. It istherefore sufficient to leave the total/debit/credit indicator at itsinitial setting while dividing the combinations in groups. You shouldNOT, then, select the parameter "Totals by debit/credit" in thepreviously running RFUMSV00 program, which retrieves the tax balancesfrom the documents.> Allocate the form's special prepayment item to each combination of taxon sales/purchases group and calendar year. You do this by allocatinga group number and entering the symbol belonging to that group in theform. Also allocate the groups for subtotals, carryovers and endtotals into which the special prepayment amount will flow, to thecombination. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF Note: The special advance payment is only taken into consideration inthe report for the month of December or for the fourth quarter. For each sales/purchases tax group, enter the address of the taxauthority to which they should submit their advance return. Also, specify the name of the layout set (explanation follows) and itsnumber of pages for each tax on sales/purchases group, as well as thetax number for the advance return. You can also specify up to threetext modules (SAPScript standard texts) in which you can enterword-wrapped text regarding this allocation. To carry out this function, you go to the detail screen, and from thereto the tax authority's address. From the detail screen, you can usethe path Goto -> Form > to reach the processing of a specifiedform. For processing a text module, position the cursor on thecorresponding text name and then choose the path Goto -> Editor>. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF In the standard system, the taxes on sales/purchases groups have theaddress of the company code> with the same name. Ifyou change the default setting of the taxes on sales/purchases groups,you must also change their addresses. When carrying out this function, select the relevant sales controlcircuit and choose the path Edit -> Address>. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF In the standard system, every company code sets up a separate taxes onsales and purchases group which has the same name as the company code.If you do not do this, for instance, because several company codes aregrouped together to a single taxes on sales and purchases group, thenmake the corresponding allocation. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF If you want to select by fiscal periods instead of calendar months inthe program for the previous advance return for tax on sales/purchases,all the company codes in question must have the samefiscal year variant> for each run of the printprogram. Pay attention to this when allocating company codes to taxeson sales/purchases groups in Customizing and with the selection ofseveral taxes on sales/purchases groups in this program. For a print separation when creating the advance return for tax onsales/purchases, allocate a printer to each of the individual taxes onsales/purchases groups. In this case, specify the name of the domain asUMKRS and the name of the taxes on sales and purchases group as avalue,or the initial value for a printer which is allocated to tax onsales/purchases groups without their own printer specification. This also applies correspondingly to company codes, for which BUKRS isthe domain. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF Creating and activating SAPscript layout sets: -------------------------------------------------- As a sample, copy the standard SAPscript layout set F_RFUVD____01 andadapt the copy/ies according to your requirements for printing the ARTSform supplied by the tax office. Allocate each of these SAPscriptlayout sets, as described above, to the tax on sales/purchases groupsfor which it is needed. For every form, group all the specifications in the MAIN windowtogether under text element 510. Do not assign any event numbers inother windows. When entering tax base amounts and tax amounts onto the ARTS form,proceed as follows: In each of your SAPscript layout sets, use the stemUMSVP-BAS for tax base amounts and UMSVP-STE for tax amounts and affixthe two-digit group numbers, such as <(>&UMSVP-STE03&<)>, to the stem.For each of these fields, the last two digits designate the number ofthe accompanying group. You can then place these fields in the rightpositions in the SAPScript form. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF In the standard form F_RFUVD____01, you find the symbols at thefollowing positions: Group number,,Item,,Explanation Uline(66) 01,,21,,,,Delivery within the company, with VAT 02,,22,,,,Delivery within the company, vehicle, without VAT 03,,23,,,,Delivery within the company, vehicle, outside the company 04,,24,,,,Further tax-exempt sales with input VAT deduction 05,,26,,,,Sales § 4 No. 8 to 28 (Sales tax law) 06,,28,,,,Taxable Sales, tax rate 15% 07,,29,,,,Taxable Sales, tax rate 14% 08,,30,,,,Taxable Sales, tax rate 7% 09,,31,,,,Taxable Sales, other tax rates 10,,33,,,,Agricul., delivery, with VAT 11,,34,,,,Agricul., sales, § 24 (sales tax law) 12,,37,,,,Tax-exempt acquis. within company, § 4 b (sales tax law) 13,,39,,,,Taxable acquis. within company, with VAT, 15% 14,,40,,,,Taxable acquis. within company, with VAT, 7% 15,,41,,,,Taxable acquis. within company, vehicle, w/o VAT, 15% 16,,42,,,,Bill of exchange taxation type, 17,,43, 45,,Subtotal to be transferred post-tax 18,,47,,,,Input tax from invoice of other organization 19,,48,,,,Input tax from those within the company. Acquisition 20,,49,,,,Import tax paid 21,,50,,,,Input tax according to general mean value rates 22,,51,,,,Correction of input VAT deduction 23,,52,,,,Input VAT deduction deliv. within company Vhcle outside org. 24,,54,,,,Reductions according to BerlinFG 25,,55,,,,Remaining amount 26,,56,,,,Unauthorized displayed tax amounts 27,,57,,,,VAT advance payment/surplus 28,,58,,,,Crediting special advance payment 29,,59,,,,Remaining VAT advance payment / surplus 30,,63,,,,Plant deliv. etc., no taxes on sales/purchases to be withheld 31,,64,,,,Plant delivery etc., taxes on sales/purchases 32,,67,,,,forced sales etc., no taxes on sales/purchases to be withheld 33,,68,,,,forced sales etc., taxes on sales/purchases to be withheld 34,,69,,,,Taxes on sales/purchases with deduction procedureOutput For every selected taxes on sales and purchases group, the programprints the header data, the amounts and the selections in the fieldsprovided on the ARTS form. In each case, two copies are printed(original and copy). For selected print separation, the output forevery taxes on sales and purchases group is carried out on the printerallocated to it. If no printer is allocated here, or no printseparation is selected, the output is carried out on the printerspecified in the user master record> of theuser. The output is not carried out immediately, but spool requests arecreated which have to be started specifically. Consequently, you havethe opportunity to insert the "ARTS form" supplied by the tax officeinto the printer before printing. A list of the taxes on sales/purchases groups for which the advancereturn for tax on sales/purchases was created is output at the end withthe respective company codes. If you select company codes instead of tax on sales/purchases groups,the aforementioned information regarding output applies correspondinglyfor company codes.