Description The report creates the annual tax report. for France and Italy. The annual tax report should display and sort the annual tax and netamounts per tax indicators according to tax number and account. Per taxnumber, account and fiscal year, the number of items, the tax, net andtotal amounts as well as the nontax-relevant amounts are displayed. Thevalidation can be managed per tax type depending on the parameter"Summarization level 0/1/2" per account number on a line item level, pertax indicators or per fiscal year (output tax and input tax). Precondition The document volume to be dealt with is to be accrued via the postingdate or via the parameter "Period for the current year". Output The report creates the annual tax report sorted according to tax type(output tax and input tax). The list is sorted as follows: company code Tax type: input tax/output tax tax number account number fiscal year tax indicator deductible and nondeductible input tax percentage rate document number Per tax number and account number, the following data is displayed inline item level: document number reference number document date tax indicator marking for nondeductible input tax posting key net amount in local currency tax amount in local currency amounts with zero percentage portion of the nondeductible tax amount of the total tax amount total amount in local currency For every tax type, the following overview (summary sheet input taxand output tax) is output per tax indicator and percentage rate: tax name tax rate tax indicator marking for nondeductible input tax net amount in local currency tax amount in local currency amounts with zero percentage portion of the nondeductible tax amount at the total tax amount total amount in local currency The number of items per tax indicators and percentage rate aredisplayed additionally. System_message The following reports lead to an abnormal termination of the program: Company code is missing in T001 Country of the company code is missing in T005 Tax indicator is missing in T007A Transaction key is missing in T007B Condition record number is missing in KONP |