SAP Program RFUSVB10 - Annual Tax Report (Belgium) ---> On Tape / Paper

This program creates a data extract for the annual tax return inBelgium. The program includes all customers who meet the followingrequirements:

  • The customer must be subject to tax.

  • Foreign customers must have a tax number.

  • The sales for all the customers must be equal to or greater than the
  • minimum sales figure.
    The data extract is created as an XML file and it contains details aboutthe company and its sales transactions.
    The company details are displayed within the tag andthe transaction details are displayed within the tag in the XML file.

    To enable the system to generate an XML file, you must enter thecomplete path from the file tree.
    For example: /usr/sap/tmp/
    If part of the tree is missing, it may happen that the file is writtento the wrong part of the XML file tree or the file may not be able to begenerated at all. If this happens, the program terminates with themessage that the file could not be opened.


    Output on disk
    The program first creates an XML file. You specify the access path andfile name for this on the selection screen.
    To download the file, you have two options:

    • Download the file directly - when you execute the report, an XML file is
    • displayed. Choose XML -> Download and enter the file path andfile name as required.
      • Use the Payment Medium International - Load Data Medium Exchange
      • File to Disk program (RFASLDPC) to download the file as follows:
        On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> FinancialAccounting -> General Ledger -> Reporting -> EC Sales List -> General ->Payment Medium International - Load Data Medium Exchange File to Disk
        Enter the file name you specified on the selection screen of theAnnual Tax Report (Belgium) program in the Source filefield.
        Enter ** (Generic DME Format) in the File typefield.
        Select the Copy source file checkbox.
        Enter data for the target file as required.
        In the Character Set Conversion group box, select StandardCodepage 1100.

        Output as a list
        The program can also output data in list form. The structure of the listbasically corresponds to the output as an XML file (three record types).

1417611Composite note for VAT 2010
724391RFUSVB10: Error incurred in Unicode systems
825763RFUSVB10 & RFUSVX11 - Downloaded file is not correct