SAP Program RFUMSV45R - VAT Summary Report (South Korea)

489603Error for more than one customer or vendor with same VAT No.
641204Should report 0% vendor invoice in normal VAT summary format
482330Should report 0% vendor invoice in normal VAT summary format
618499RFUMSV45R error for One-time-customer-documents
610116Vendor invoices not listed in VAT Summary detail list output
509589Error in header, sequential number in VAT Summary report
584981Legal changes for VAT Summary report - August 2002
459815DME file error for exempt invoices in VAT summary report
566718VAT Summary Report Legal changes - August 2002
539042Layout error when printing VAT summary report in Korean
438610VAT Summary Report does not output details in Korean
522729New reporting period field in VAT Summary report selection
511950Error in the chronology of the DME for normal VAT invoices
483977Layout error (Location) in VAT summary and time stamp report
458496Invoice count error in VAT reports for customers with ID nos
385850New VAT reports for South Korea
432366VAT Reports do not report Consignment Liability documents
409246Corrections for the enhanced VAT reports
414254Migration Tool for Korean Add-on Tax Invoices
413083Corrections for the VAT enhanced reports
412537Wrong DME and errorlist in program RFUMSV45R
411105End of Maintenance for Korean VAT reports in 45B,46B and 46C