SAP Program RFUMSV44 - Taxes and Dues, Prepaid Expenses, and Donations

This report compiles a list of taxes and dues, prepaid expenses, anddonations as required by law.
The taxes and dues list covers all the tax paid during the currentfiscal year (except for taxes on sales/purchases and withholding tax).The donations are divided into three categories in accordance withKorea's tax laws.
The report shows the description of each transaction and its recipient.

When you make a posting to any of the accounts for taxes and dues,prepaid expenses, or donations, you must enter a description of thetransaction in the Text field (BSEG-SGTXT), and in theReference key 3 field (BSEG-XREF3) the recipient (of thedonation, the taxes and dues, or the prepaid expenses).

At the top of the list, the time period (posting date), the title ofthe report, and the name of the company code are shown.
At the top of every page, the VAT registration number of the companycode's main business place is shown.
Every line in the list shows the following:

  • Name of the G/L account (SKAT-TXT20)

  • Description (BSEG-SGTXT)

  • Recipient (BSEG-XREF3)

  • Amount (BSEG-DMBTR)

  • At the end of the list, the total amount is shown.


    Taxes and dues
    Dr: Taxes and dues
    Reference key 3: Kang-Nam tax office,
    Text: Education tax
    Cr: Bank

    Prepaid expenses
    Dr: Prepaid expenses
    Reference key 3: Vendor XY
    Text: Plants for the office
    Cr: Cash office

    Dr: Donations
    Reference key 3: University of Seoul
    Text: 50 PCs
    Cr: Investments
    Output tax (based on market value)

1509781New GL enhancements for the report RFUMSV48 South Korea