SAP Program RFUMSV20 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases- Italy/Spain

This program is only relevant in Italy and Spain.
The program creates the advance return for tax on sales/purchases:

  • Vendor tax return

  • IT: Libro IVA acquisti
    ES: Libro Registro de facturas recibidas
    • Customer tax return

    • IT: Libro IVA vendite
      ES: Libro Registro de facturas emitidas
      • Other tax return

      • Acquisition tax return within the European Union

      • The program also displays postings from special tax cases:
        • Deferred tax

        • Input taxes for customs handling (select the indicator "Bolle
        • Doganali")
          • Non-deductible input tax

          • Partly non-deductible tax

          • By making the appropriate selection, you can display the tax returnsseparately by tax code.
            By means of the "Test" parameter, you can control whether the currentselection data of the monthly return is to be stored in table TRVOR. Ifyou do not select the "Test" parameter, the program updates thefollowing fields in table TRVOR.
            By selecting the "Output one-time account data" parameter, you can havethe program print the one-time account data, for example, the address.
            • Argument section:

            • Program name
              Company code
              Fiscal year
              • Function part:

              • Most recent posting date
                The last assigned counter reading for the document numbers
                CPU date of the run
                For every new monthly run, the program takes the current values fromtable TRVOR for the following fields:
                • Posting date + 1

                • Last counter reading for document numbers + 1

                • This procedure ensures that the system cannot create another return forthe period in question.

                  You limit the volume of documents to be processed by using the postingdate. For the first advance return for tax on sales/purchases, you mustspecify the month "January" as the selection criteria for the postingdate. Otherwise, the following error message is issued: "Argument intable TRVOR does not exist in RFUMSV20 xxxx xxxx".

                  The program creates the advance return for tax on sales/purchasessorted by the following tax types:

                  • Input tax

                  • Output tax

                  • Acquisition input tax within the European Union

                  • Acquisition output tax within the European Union

                  • You can sort the line item list as follows by selecting the "Sortindicator 1/2" parameter:
                    • Sort sequence "1":

                    • Company code
                      Tax type
                      Invoice, invoice credit memo, reversal of the invoice, reversal of theinvoice credit memo
                      Posting date
                      Document number
                      • Sort sequence "2":

                      • Company code
                        Tax type
                        Invoice, invoice credit memo, reversal of the invoice, reversal of theinvoice credit memo
                        Document number
                        Posting date
                        The itemization displays the tax and net amount in local currency withdocument and master record information of the corresponding customer orvendor.
                        In the line item list, the program specially indicates those items thatare nondeductible as well as those that are partially nondeductible.When there are documents with EU acquisition tax in a foreign currency,the program specifies the foreign currency and local currency amountand the exchange rate used for the posting.
                        When the 1st sort option is selected, the program displays the gross,net and tax totals as well as the nondeductible totals per tax code forevery posting date in the line item list. Three totals sheets areissued for each tax code. Within the list, you can output totals perdocument and totals per posting date.
                        • The first summary sheet is sorted by

                        • invoices, credit memos (to be specified via the parameters for theposting key)
                          tax rate
                          tax code
                          • The second summary sheet is sorted by

                          • tax rate
                            tax code
                            This summary sheet is only displayed if a posting key was specified foreach parameter.
                            • The third summary sheet is sorted by tax rates.

520710Spain: Self Invoice for intra EU acquisitions
693774Tax and base amount not calculated with translation date
427299FF804 during transfer from Billing Engine to R/3
393884RFUMSV00: New standard variant for Italy and Spain