1125117 | RFUMSV00: Non-deductible input tax in India |
1640373 | RFUMSV00: Address data for documents for deferred tax |
1619795 | RFUMSV00: Adjustments to RGJVTAX2 |
1557535 | RFUMSV00: Performance when reading adress data |
1576305 | RFUMSV00 - XML generation - removal of parameter |
1577423 | Switzerland- UID Company Identification Number |
1563146 | RFIDITBLIST: Inclusion of companies in other countries |
216761 | RFUVDE00: Termination with error message F7 212 |
1551245 | RFUMSV00: Display of address data in international version |
1500547 | RFUMSV00-correction funct. of layouts in "/" name space |
880864 | RGJVTAX2 prevent syntax errors after core changes |
1489130 | RFUMSV00 displays tax base amounts for EU taxes incorrectly |
845219 | Delimiting fin. rptg per. w/ elec. adv. rtn for tax on s/p |
1437351 | Romania-New VAT tax codes 2010- Sales/Purchases Journals |
1029426 | ERP: No distribution information with reversed documents 2 |
1223773 | IDoc BAPI BADI_TAX1_XTXIT_SET line by line tax does not work |
1409614 | Non-deductible Taxes RO - Changes of BAdIs |
1424444 | Stamp Tax amount errors |
1381149 | RFUMSV00: Tax reporting date and electronic advance return |
654707 | VAT Report for India |
1361615 | RFUMSV00: Tax control for documents from SD |
1350039 | RFUMSV00: Reference for deferred tax in Latvia |
1335702 | RFUMSV00: Country for address of business partner |
1307450 | RFUMSV00: List output in country language II |
1299120 | RFUMSV00: Column "Clearing Date" displayed incorrectly |
1066663 | RFUMSV00, RFUMSV10: Incomplete list output |
925217 | GDPdU: Access to RFUMSV00 by tax auditors |
1263340 | RFUMSV00: List output in country language |
873976 | Online splitter: Split according to account balance |
792331 | RFUMSV00: Display official document number for Italy |
965987 | ERP: No distribution information for reversed documents |
860780 | RFASLD15: Display of Special G/L indicator postings |
1264911 | Elster 2.0 w/ XI 7.0: Incorr. qrtrly return for 2nd/3rd qrtr |
1233225 | RFUMSV00: Gifts with output tax, Italy |
1035054 | RFUMSV00: Address data in stock transfer documents |
1246060 | Search help for tax on sales/purchases groups in UNICODE |
732418 | Display of address data in report RFUMSV00 |
1157727 | RFUMSVHU sign correction (LWSTE, LWBAS) |
745201 | RFUMSV00 for Slovakia: base amount not correct |
1142378 | RFUMSV00 for Slovakia: Base amount is not correct II |
1140561 | Corrections of /CCEE/SIFI_DDVO8 and /CCEE/SIFI_RFASLM00_SI |
1136645 | ELSTER 2.0 UVA: Return by quarters incorrect |
1131556 | HRFI-RFUMSV00 - Runtime error ITAB_ILLEGAL_SORT_ORDER |
1113019 | Accquisition Taxes RO - Changes of BAdIs |
1109126 | RFUMSV00: Error F8 023 More than 950 line items transferred |
829489 | Standard VAT solution for Croatia |
1100622 | RGJVTAX2: Syntax error after importing Support Package |
829645 | ELSTER with country key not = 'DE' for Germany |
1049964 | ROFI-RFUMSV00 - Runtime error ITAB_ILLEGAL_SORT_ORDER |
500157 | Form printout for advance return for tax on sales/purchases |
1037155 | ELSTER, FOTV: Report line cannot be deleted |
1012103 | Problem with /CCEE/SIFIRFUMSV00N in EURO conversion |
1017516 | RFUMSV00: incorrect output of acquisition tax |
994295 | RFUMSV00: receipts displayed twice |
831486 | RFUMSV00: Error message F7 575 |
978672 | Reimplementation of message No:578 of message class F7 |
159844 | VAT rates, legal changes Slovakia |
902444 | RGJVTAX2: Note 877045 causing syntax error |
893630 | Electronic advance return for tax on sales/purchases |
892548 | VAT Declaration for Ukraine customizing |
871301 | Selection parameter Ledger in tax programs |
831532 | RFUMSV00:Acquisition Tax Accrual-Impact on legal report |
854227 | RFUMSV25: Transfer postings are executed several times |
719340 | MIRO FB60 FB70 - tax base cannot be changed |
829662 | Austria: Electronic annual tax return U1 |
825186 | RFUMSV00: Incorrect tax differences are displayed |
803670 | RFUMSV00: Adjustments to RGJVTAX2 |
794703 | RFUMSV00: Address data for deferred tax documents |
794392 | RFUMSV25: transfer posting for deferred tax repeated |
788055 | RFUMSV00: address data and reference with deferred tax |
754759 | Termination RFUMSV00 with Philippine company code |
697825 | Spain: Self invoice and EU directive 115/2001 |
487971 | Migration Tools CV Thailand 40B to R/3 Enterprise |
704661 | RFUMSV00: Incorrect column description when creating layout |
685041 | IMG Activity and Report Documentation is missing |
617694 | RFUMSV00: Extension BADI FI_TAX_BADI_016 |
584471 | Input tax for telephone bills in Hungaria |
512950 | Changes to BADI implementations of RFUMSV00 for Taiwan |
566949 | RFUMSV00: Legal requirement of Russia |
400505 | RFUMSV00: self invoices |
511468 | Post output tax for individual down payment request |
510001 | RFUMSV25: Defrrd tax w/ 0% in adv.retrn tax on sals/purch. |
213558 | RFUMSV00: Message in country currency |
442284 | RFUMSV00: Tax control for documents from SD |
204972 | RFUMSV00: Deactivating document summarization (BSET) |
174573 | Euro / alternative local currency: Balance on tax account |
393884 | RFUMSV00: New standard variant for Italy and Spain |
185605 | Diff.acquistn tax disply after local crcy changeovr |
175141 | Adv.ret.for tax on sal./purch.in 2nd & 3rd loc.crcy |