Description This program is run together with program RFUFOI91 in order to generatelists of customers and vendors on a data medium in accordance withItalian government regulations of 12/30/1991. The file for the tax authorities is created in two separatetransactions by running program RFUFOI91 and then program RFUFOI92. Program RFUFOI91 reads the SAP database and generates a sequentialfile, which is then processed by program RFUFOI92 to generate the datamedium described above. You must carry out the following steps to generate the data medium: - run program RFUFOI91 to generate an intermediate file - Run program RFUFOI92 to generate the file for the tax authorities. Parameters for the second part of the transaction: PARAMETERS FOR PROCESSING THE INPUT FILE - UNIX input file (generated by program RFUFOI91) - Account type to be processed: select record type to be processed(customer, vendor or both) - VAT registration number (Partita IVA): specify the VAT registrationnumbers of the accounts to be processed - Non-deductible VAT code, to determine the VAT amount that does nothave to be refunded for the vendors - Fiscal year of the report - Specification of master records (each with their VAT registrationnumber) PRINT PARAMETERS - consecutive number of the printout - Test print number - Printer number - File label for the customer printout - File label for the vendor printout PARAMETERS FOR GENERATION OF FILE - Flag for start of generation process - UNIX file name (i.e. the name of the file the program will generate) - Flag for generation of file (customer part) - Flag for generation of file (vendor part) - File label number - Consecutive number - File density PARAMETERS FOR THE REPORTING COMPANY - VAT registration number of the reporting company - Legal form of the reporting company - Address (street and number) of the reporting company - Region of the reporting company - Line of business of the reporting company - Indicator for line of business of the reporting company Precondition Program RFUFOI91 must first create a file which is the input file forprogram RFUFOI92. Output UNIX file for the tax authorities. Data extract printout for test purposes (validation). |