SAP Program RFTVBW29 - Price Calculation for Securities (Bonds)

Report RFTVBW29 calculates rates for bonds, warrant bonds, andconvertible bonds.
They are calculated by discounting future cash flows along the yieldcurve.
Include the following in the report as control parameters:
Rate indicator and exchange: With these attributes the calculated rateis placed in the rate table.
Cum/Ex: If this is set you will be asked about Cum/Ex.
Evaluation Type: Through the evaluation type, evaluation parameterssuch as assigned yield curves are referred to selected securities.
In addition, it is determined when rates should be calculated anew(field Max. Age Rate).
Prerequisite for the rate calculation is that the security is quoted asa percentage.

Yield curve types and valuation types have to be maintained in theMarket Risk Management module.
The security class revenue has to be fully maintained. It is especiallyimportant to maintain the nominal unit of trade, as this is drawn uponas the basis for rate calculation.

No log will be kept for classes or calculated rates, for which a ratewasn't calculated. Additionally, the calculation bases (yield curves)can be displayed.