Purpose Test of the following RFC modules for seat map query and seatreservation: 1. FITP_WEB_PLAN_GET 2. FITP_WEB_FLIGHT_GETSEATMAP 3. FITP_WEB_FLIGHT_SEAT_RESERVE 4. FITP_WEB_FLIGHT_SEAT_CANCEL 5. FITP_WEB_PLAN_BOOK_AND_SAVE Prerequisites Create a travel plan with transaction TP01 with an international flight. Book a seat for this flight. When you call up the program, you enter the personnel number and thetrip number. The program first calls the RFC FITP_WEB_PLAN_GET and displays theexisting travel items. 1) Click on the flight item booked previously with transaction TP01. A seat map query is started for this flight (RFCFITP_WEB_FLIGHT_GETSEATMAP). The booked seat is displayed. 2) Click on the green check mark. You return to the seat map list. 3) Click on a seat to initiate a rebooking. The new seat is prereserved (RFC FITP_WEB_FLIGHT_SEAT_RESERVE).The new seat is displayed. 4) Click on the seat number. The prereservation of the seat is canceled (RFCFITP_WEB_FLIGHT_SEAT_CANCEL). The new plan is then booked (RFC FITP_WEB_PLAN_BOOK_AND_SAVE ) andreread (RFC FITP_WEB_PLAN_GET). The travel items are output again. There should now no longer be a seatreservation for your flight. |